Riva Letchinger

About Me
Riva Letchinger
Meet 2023 Award Recipient

Riva Letchinger

Gold Humanism Honor Society Reward Recipient

The Gold Humanism Honor Society recognizes students, residents and faculty who are exemplars of compassionate patient care and who serve as role models, mentors, and leaders in medicine. Members are peer nominated and are the ones that others say they want taking care of their own family. Since its inception in 2002, Gold Humanism Honor Society has grown in influence to become a vital part of medical school and residency training program cultures throughout the US.

Here’s what Riva's peers had to say about their humanistic care in medicine:

There are very few people in Riva Letchinger’s class that fight and fiercely advocate for their patients as well as Riva does. She is unapologetic in how she wants to do right by everyone in our society and she goes out of her way to try to make people happy and to ensure they feel supported. Riva is truly an incredibly caring individual by always being the first to step back and ensure the patient or family members had the attention they deserved. Riva consistently shows that her priorities are learning and ensuring that the patient emerges from the healthcare encounter better than they entered it. Riva is incredibly vocal about standing up for what she believes in. She is always the classmate to put herself on the line when an issue is unjust and not being dealt with in the appropriate way. Riva is brave, committed to justice, and universally respected by our class. With that, we would like to acknowledge and congratulate Riva.